Save Our Potcakes

Howdy Friends!

We want to share some truly tragic news that will impact thousands of rescue puppies like us.  The CDC issued an edict effective August 1st which will BAN ON ALL PUPPIES UNDER THE AGE OF 6 MONTHS, regardless of their origin, health or vaccination status from entering the United States.

If this non-legislative edict had been in place last summer, we would not be here right now enjoying our family and this amazing place called "Texas"!

Some things to ponder:

- Puppies over 20 pounds are not allowed on most commercail airlines.  We were 20 pounds by the time we were four months old.
- Early bonding, socialization and training are critical to raise well-adjusted, happy dogs and prevent behavorial problems in adult dogs.
- A fully vaccinated puppy at 5 1/2 months is prohibited from entering the USA under this edict, yet an unvaccinated dog at 6 1/2 months can enter. 
- Cats are exempt from an age restriction or vaccination requirement and yet more cats have rabies in the USA than dogs (CDC data shows the last K9 rabies case was in 2008).


Our Rescue Organizaiton, Potcake Place K9 Rescue is leading the effort to get this cruel ruling overturned and give pups like us a chance for a home, but they need your help!

To Find Out More about this issue visit this link from the Humane Society of the United States <<< CLICK HERE >>>

What can you do?


The Humane Society of the United States is gathering support to overturn this cruel edict.  Please lend your voince to their effort by <<CLICKING HERE>>>.  They've done all the work, just fill out the form and HIT SUBMIT!

Please SIGN & SHARE Both of These Petitions

Petition #1:  <<< SIGN HERE >>>
Petition #2:  <<< SIGN HERE >>>

Please contact your Representative and Senators in Washington DC and let them know you are against this inhuman edict CLICK HERE TO FIND YOUR MEMBERS

Here is a SAMPLE LETTER you can use to craft your message to all above and other decison makers.

Click HERE to Contact the CDC and lend your voice to the chorus demanding a change to this inhumane policy (just cut and paste the letter you used above).

Join the In Defence of Potcakes” Facebook page to get the most up to date information and join in the fight to protect and defend our amazing Potcakes and other rescue pups. NOTE 01JUN24:  Meta and FB currently has this FB group disabled for its criticism of the CDC.  Please keep checking.  They hope to have it back up soon.

If you have personal contacts (or friends of friends) with elected officials, media, celebrities or social media influencers, please tell this story and share this information.  No effort is too small and it will take all of us to overcome this challenge which could see the deaths of thousands of rescue puppies like us!

Click below the image to find out more about two amazing rescues.


Share this QR CODE with others to help us pass the word! 

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Caicos & Fritter

P.S.  If you'd like to find out what a "Potcake" is and learn a little more about how we ended up in The Lone Star State <<<CLICK HERE>>>!