Free Constitution


When was the last time you read The Constitution of the United States? Whether it was yesterday or never, we want to change that answer.

It is the document that protects all of us by outlining what our government is intended to do for us, what it cannot do to us and, just as importantly, what we are supposed to do for ourselves.

Honest Change For America: “The Constitution ”

It is the ONE THING every soldier, sailor, marine and airman, along with many law enforcement personnel and first responders swear to defend. It is something we all should be familiar with and should endeavor to live up to its principles.

• No Tricks
 No Catches
 No Charges, No Commies

Uphold The Constitution

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We want to send you a Pocket Constitution absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. Just send us a good mailing address and we’ll put it in the mail today!