PROJECT 48 is our initiative to celebrate the best of America.  The 48-Star Flag hearkens to a day when idyllic time when we when we were united and forward facing.  It does not discount there were things that were NOT perfect and needed change.  Think about how much we have accomplished since 1949 when we added two stars (Alaska and Hawaii we love you and glad you are on board now).  We’ve been to the moon.  We ended segregation and fully integrated our military.  Women became full and equal members of the work world.

Is there still work to do?  Heck yes there is and “We Can Do it!”

There is no better example of this than the story of Jesse Brown, the first black naval aviator in the United States.

He did what it took to be successful.

He was humble.  He did not look for excuses or favor in his situation.  When asked what it was like being the first black naval aviator he responded. “There's nothing special about me.  I'm just another pilot” (Chapter 30, “Devotion”).
He was an American.  Once, while walking the sidewalk in uniform of his hometown with his wife Daisy, he they were accosted and targeted by eggs from a group of young men in a car.  His reaction was not one of personal anger, but rather outrage that someone would disrespect the uniform of the United States Navy (Chapter 7, “Devotion”).
He aggressively changed the way he talked, the way he carried himself and pushed himself to learn in order to be successful.   He aggressively sought things that he wanted to achieve.  He sought the American Dream for himself and his family.  Though realistic in acknowledging its flaws, he sought the American Dream for himself and his family and in doing so, made it more achievable for all.

  • He was a devoted Christian.
  • He was a devoted Husband.
  • He was a devoted American.

“Devotion” is also a story of another man’s devotion to his friend and wingman.  That man, Tom Hudner, spent the rest of his life “earning” the award he was given as the result of actions with Jesse Brown

We encourage you to read or listen to the book “Devotion” before you go see the movie (or do it after if you already have).  It truly is an inspirational story of Americans overcoming, growing, and getting better than the day before. 
You’ll be glad you did!

Video from the University of Central Florida featuring Jesse’s wife Daisy, his brothers, one of his flight instructors and Tom Hudner his wingman in Korea.
Jonathan Majors who portrayed Jesse Brown in the movie version recalling his thoughts on playing the character and meeting his family.
Official Trailer of the Motion Picture “Devotion”


America’s best days are ahead of her if we work together and strive to hold on to what made us great…God, family, friendship, honor and love of country.  At Dragoon Unlimited we work every day to forward that principle and are going to do everything in our power to keep building America up and telling her story.  We hope you’ll roll up your sleeves and join us!


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  • Edward Pollock 01:28 PM

    This is an amazing story, amazing man and what America stands for. YOU can do and achieve anything if you believe in yourself , have faith and courage and the never , ever give up spirit. All things are possible if you believe, believe in God, believe in your dreams and above all the belief in one’s self.

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